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Sports Mindset - Profile of Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Thank you for your interest in receiving a Profile of Your Sports Mindset Strengths and Weaknesses.
It is important to tailor a programme that is best suited to your individual sporting needs and requirements. Before we can strengthen the mental aspect of your performance we must first determine and increase your awareness of your mental strengths and weaknesses.
The more we know and understand your limits the better equipped we are to help you to consistently perform toward the upper range of those limits.
The following questions are used to help us zero in on 7 skill areas where you may want to see new results.
- Self Confidence
- Negative Energy
- Attention Control
- Visual & Energy Control
- Motivational Level
- Positive Energy
- Attitude Control
On the following pages SELECT one of the five spaces for each of the questions. One check for each question is required.
There are 42 questions in total. Select whichever option best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport. Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself.
Be as open and honest as you can with yourself. Respond to each question as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.
Remember there are NO RIGHT or WRONG answers.
When you complete your selection the page will automatically advance to the next page.
Q1 - I see myself as more of a loser than a winner in competition?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

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5 - Almost Always
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Q2 - I get angry and frustrated during competition?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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5 - Almost Always
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Q3 - I have become distracted and lose my focus during competition?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q4 - Before competition, I picture myself performing perfectly?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q5 - I am highly motivated to perform my best?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q6 - I can keep strong positive emotions flowing during competition?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q7 - I am a positive thinker during competition?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q8 - I believe in myself as a performer/athlete/player?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q9 - I get nervous or afraid in competition?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q10 - It seems my mind starts racing during critical moments of competition?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q11 - I mentally practice my physical skills?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q12 - The goals I have set for myself as a performer/athlete/player keep me working hard?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q13 - I am able to enjoy competition even when I face lots of difficult problems?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q14 - My self-talk during competition is negative?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q15 - I lose my confidence very quickly?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q16 - Mistakes cause me to feel and think negatively?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q17 - I can clear interfering emotions quickly and regain my focus?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q18 - Thinking in pictures (visual imagery) about my sport comes easy for me?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q19 - I don’t have to be pushed to perform or practice hard. I am my own best motivator?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q20 - I tend to get emotionally flat when things turn against me during play/my performance?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q21 - I give 100% effort during play, no matter what?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q22 - I can perform toward the upper range of my talent and skill?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q23 - My muscles become overly tight during competition?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q24 - I easily lose concentration and ‘day dream’ during competition?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q25 - I visualize working through tough situations prior to competition?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q26 - I am willing to give whatever it takes to reach my full potential as a performer/player?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q27 - I practice with high positive intensity?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q28 - I can change negative moods into positive ones by controlling my thinking?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q29 - I am a mentally tough competitor?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q30 - Uncontrollable events like the wind, cheating opponents, and bad decisions (i.e. by referees) get me very upset?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q31 - I find myself thinking of past mistakes or missed opportunities as I play?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

1 - Almost Never
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2 - Seldom
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Q32 - I use images during play that help me perform better?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

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Q33 - I get bored and burned out?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

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5 - Almost Always
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Q34 - I get challenged and inspired in tough situations?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

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Q35 - My trainer/coach would say I have a good attitude?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

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5 - Almost Always
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Q36 - I project the outward image of a confident fighter?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

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5 - Almost Always
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Q37 - I can remain calm during competition when confused by problems?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

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5 - Almost Always
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Q38 - My concentration is easily broken?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q39 - When I visualize myself playing. I can see and feel things vividly?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

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2 - Seldom
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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q40 - I wake-up in the morning and am really excited about playing, training and practicing?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

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5 - Almost Always
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Q41 - Playing this sport gives me a genuine sense of joy and fulfilment?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

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4 - Often
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5 - Almost Always
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Q42 - I can turn crisis into opportunity?
From the choices below select a numerical value for the question above. Select whichever value best fits your interpretation of the question as it relates to you in your particular sport.
Your response is simply an estimate of how you perceive yourself. Be as open and honest as you can with yourself and respond as it pertains to you in the here-and-now context.

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5 - Almost Always
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Wishing you continued sporting success.
-Martin Kiely
Sports Hypnosis
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